Standing Asanas

     The Asanas in this group help to elongate and strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulders and legs while giving relive to a stiff and painful back. They are also help to improve posture, balance and coordination as well as being helpful for anyone who spends a lot of time sitting.

     This group of Asanas is typically the starting point for a Yoga Asana practice and is seen as the building blocks of a practice, giving us the ability to be grounded through the feet. With these Asana practices, the body gets stronger and more articulate as the mind is alert and focused which increases Consciousness in the practitioner.

     These poses are known to enhance the strength of the muscles, agility of the mind and body, the immune system as well as reducing or eliminating stress and anxiety.

     Each pose in this Asana group have a similar direction of flow of Prana meaning "life force energy," up from the front of the body and down in the back of the body. This flow of Prana is shown in the alignment of the body.

     With time, the disconnection between the mind and body will reduce and as the awareness of the flow of Prana becomes more apparent, the motions of the body become more efficient because of the deeper connection with the intentions of the mind.


  • If you have any kind of back issue including sciatica, please refer to the precautions section before you practice and consult an experienced teacher before practicing any Asanas that call for the practice to not be preformed if you wish to preform the Asana.
  • Standing Asana Practices

    Archers Pose

    Akarna Dhanurasana/ Archers Pose

    Warrior 2 Pose

    Virabhadrasana 2/ Warrior 2 Pose

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