Forward Folding Asanas

     The poses in this group help to elongate the muscles and tendons of the legs, makes the muscles of the back supple and strong while compressing and massaging the abdominal organs. These Asanas are also help to stimulate the nerves around the spine while improving blood circulation to the spine.

     While preforming these poses it is recommended to allow the hips to pivot forward allowing the lumbar region of the back to come into proper alignment. This will allow for a greater elongation of the muscles which in turn will allow you to get into the pose deeper.

     Practicing this will also help you to have awareness of the body allowing you to recognize when the lumbar is out of proper alignment.

     During pregnancy please refer to the precautions section before preforming any Asana. If you have any kind of back issue including sciatica, please refer to the precautions section before you practice and consult an experienced teacher before practicing any Asana that call for the practice to not be preformed, if you wish to preform the Asana.

Forward Folding Asana Practices

Head To Knee Pose

Janu Sirshasana/ Head to Knee Pose

Back Stretch Pose

Paschimottanasana/ Back Stretch Pose


Saihalyasana/ Animal Relaxation Pose


Uttanasana/ Forward Folding Pose

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